Many people think of financial planning when they think of their own bank account: paying their bills, budgeting, putting money aside for rainy days, and keeping track of their spending. But the management of finances for businesses is much more than that. It involves monitoring and regulating all money that enters and leaves a business. It also involves making strategic decisions in order to make the business as profitable and financially secure as is possible.
All companies should first set themselves goals, including measurable goals such as maximizing profits and expansion of the business. They then need to decide what they'll do to reach their goals. This means creating financial reports and establishing accounting systems and determining the best way to increase their profits. It's crucial to remember that even minor improvements in the financial management of a business could have a significant impact on both short-term and long-term success.
Finance teams are accountable for all of the cash that flows into and out of a business. They are the ones who establish and manage a company's banking procedures. They also supervise the bond and share issuance and manage loans and debentures and make all investment decisions. They must be able to balance the books and ensure that there is always enough cash available for all operating costs, and also ensure that any new investments will produce an acceptable return.
If your business is growing quickly and you're not quite ready to hire a full-time financial controller or CFO, Zeni can handle all of your bookkeeping accounting, financial reporting, and accounting needs remotely and at startup-friendly cost.