
Truy cập của bạn có thể bị lỗi hoặc không tìm thấy nội dung

Everyone has the same amount of hours a day however, some appear to have more success. It's all about how you utilize your time. These time management tips will help you work smarter, not harder.

1. Plan ahead.

You might not be able to predict everything that could happen, but you can still be prepared. Create a list of tasks you must complete each day, and write down any deadlines or meetings which could affect your schedule. Estimate the time each task will take as accurately as is possible. This will help you stay on track and feel more productive.

2. Eliminate distractions.

Distractions can come from a variety of sources - social media, work colleagues, text messages telephone calls from personal phones, or even random thoughts and they can all create destruction on your productivity. Find out what distracts you and create a strategy to address it. Maybe it's closing your doors to reduce distractions or turning off your phone on silent for example. Or maybe it means not letting your friends in and check this rescheduling the coffee date for a different day when you have an important task due.

3. Prioritize your tasks.

Every day, assess and assign tasks a priority based on urgency and importance. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by a to-do list that seems endless, and will ensure you complete the most important tasks completed first.